Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bad Momma!!

Ok, I know I've said it before that we're pretty AP but today Bub informed me that he is sick of being unable to sleep in our bed because of Ladybug being in there (we have a king bed so plenty big but he can't get into a deep sleep because he's worried he'll roll over on her or something) So I had her take her nap in her crib (instead of the swing like normal) and I've put her to bed in her crib and I'm waiting for her to wake in a few like normal and I'll put her to bed in there again and then go to bed myself. When she wakes up to nurse again I'll bring her to bed with me pushing it further and further each day until she's spending the night in her own room (SCARY, I know) I was doing really well with only letting her stay with me until the sun came up until Bub was home all last week and he wanted to go to bed earlier than Ladybug and I normally do so I would fall asleep in our bed with her before she was asleep enough to move!! When I was pregnant and before this was one of my Never Shall I Ever... and then she got here!! I never would have expected to be so terrified of something so completely normal!!! But.........I am...... You can laugh......I do LOL
Alrighty Internet peeps I'm headed to bed
I'll let ya'll know how my re-training of Ladybug goes!! LOL

Monday, May 17, 2010

5 months

I wrote this on Saturday but haven't had the chance to post it so here it is :)

Dear Ladybug,

You're becoming such a big girl already, it kills me sometimes! You look at your Daddy and I with such awe and wonder and utter amazement that I can't believe you're only 5 months old!!!

You already know so much and are learning so much more!!! I would never have guessed you'd be so close to sitting up and wanting so bad to be standing!!! You have learned so much in the past weeks let alone month! You chatter consistently and constantly (something I know will NEVER stop now ;) LOL) you're rolling both from front to back and back to front but neither right after another... Once you've done 1 you get too pissed to do the other LOL :) so much of your Daddy it's not even funny.

You're getting more beautiful with each passing day and though we're together for every moment I often forget to stop and enjoy how much you've changed already in these past 5 months!

Ladybug please don't hate me for the "no's" that are coming now and will until you're grown. Please see that with each one Daddy and I are simply molding you into a lady. You may not come from much and might not be what everyone expects but you will at least know right from wrong and to me that's what a lady is. Somebody who knows right from wrong and is never too scared to speak about it without conviction!

Ladybug you are my biggest dream come true. No matter what happens or what you become it will all be worth anything and everything to be your Momma... And I thank God each day that he chose ME to be YOURS and YOU to be MINE!!!

Love always,


Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's been far too long!!

Sorry it's been so long it's been a hectic couple a weeks!!! Haven't been able to work out so no McFatty Mondays until I'm feeling better. I haven't felt well for a couple of days now, not really sure why or what's going on but I know that I've been napping with Ladybug during the day instead of the usual cleaning/blogging during them :( I'm so exhausted but I'm starting to think it's this gloomy crap-tastic weather we've been having!!! So anyway we have started BLW with the Ladybug her first food was pizza crust LOL But since then she's had steamed green beans, steamed carrots, water (from straws and sippy-cups) and a little ice cream. She's also rolling over consistantly now!! She will go from front to back or back to front but will only roll over once not time after time so if she gets to her belly she just gets mad instead of rolling back over LOL she's definately got her Daddy's patience haha! Tomorrow we have her 5 month pictures when she'll wear her ladybug Gap shirt and a pair of jean shorts and have her bare tootsies showing LOL I'm even gonna paint her toes :-D